Introduction to and Benefits of Amazon Cloud Solutions

Cloud Computing is becoming extremely important for businesses in today’s times. This is because cloud computer and software-as-a-service can help companies save a lot of cost. The reason is that companies are not required to invest a lot of money on building infrastructure. Now, they can access resources that they need and pay for just that. This also means that results can delivered much faster. With cloud computing, you have the ability to get access to numerous servers in a matter of seconds. Finally, the pay as you go pricing of this program makes it even more attractive.


Among the various companies that offer these cloud services, Amazon is known to be one of the most comprehensive ones. The services that Amazon offers are extremely scalable, robust, low cost, and super reliable. It is this reason that a large number of companies have already adopted this platform and are using Amazon’s services. Following are some of the cloud services that Amazon offers:


This is a simple solution for the storage/archiving of data online. It also gives you an online backup, which comes in handy in the nightmarish event of your business losing the existing data.

Cloud Drive

Like any other cloud drive, Amazon’s service here helps users have access to and even upload documents, music, photos, videos, etc.

Cloud Search

Here is another extremely popular cloud solution of Amazon. Customized search capabilities are provided on the cloud.


This is an impressive tool, especially for companies that want to have more analysis done for their business. This service of Amazon brings forth a wide range of tools for business intelligence.

Dynamo Database

A database that is scalable and robust; that is exactly what Dynamo Database is.


Following are some of the advantages of using Amazon cloud solutions:

Ease of Use

Amazon cloud solutions are extremely simple to use. You can promptly and absolutely secure be able to host your apps. These apps could be an existing one or even a brand new SaaS.


These cloud solutions offer extreme flexibility to you too. You have the option to select the operating system of your choice. On the other hand, you can make a choice for the database you want to use, programming language, web app platform, etc.

Cost Saving

As mentioned earlier, cloud computing ensures that you are not being required to pay for the infrastructure. All that you make a payment for is the power of computing you use or storage or any other resource. Moreover, Amazon ensures that you are not tied up with extremely long contracts.


Amazon’s cloud solutions are absolutely robust and effective. They are reliable and also allow you to scale your solutions up or down at any time. Given the dynamic world we live in, this is a great advantage to have.


Security is the key for many businesses, and Amazon understands that. There are systems in place that ensure that your app is absolutely secure. This includes hardening the infrastructure, and doing much more.

These benefits and overall high quality of Amazon cloud solutions make them extremely popular among businesses and enterprises today.
